Monday, December 31, 2007

Presidential Candidates response to Bhutto/Pakistan Crisis- Edwards passes w/"Flying Colors"

How did the candidates do in response to the assasination of Bhutto? An article from the Washington Post states that John Edwards "passed with flying colors" while Clinton was "substantive" and Obama seriously fumbled.

Edwards "managed not only to get Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf on the phone" but deliver a strong message to Musharraf to continue to follow the path towards democratization, as well. Well done, Senator. Actually, Edwards foreign policy advisor is in charge of the Iowa City office where I'm currently at, which is pretty cool. He's nice, and I can imagine he's floating pretty high knowing that he just got his boss an excellent nod from the Washington Post.

Obama, on the other hand, made his second big foreign policy boo-boo (his first came in a speech about Pakistan at the Wilson center for scholars in DC over the summer). Instead of keeping the assasination of Bhutto in the sphere of foreign policy, he decided to tie the assasination in with Clinton's vote on the Iraq war. Really, Obama? By attacking Clinton instead of properly responding to the situation- as Edwards did and Clinton partially did- Obama "failed to offer any substantive response to the ongoing crisis" and showed that he is now resorting to dirty campaigning in the last days before the Iowa caucus. Ouch. This one's gotta hurt.

In fact, it has. Polls are now showing that Edwards is ahead of both Clinton AND Obama, and especially when you include the 2nd choice of caucus-goers (a vital part of the Iowa caucus process, which most polls, and the media, tend to neglect), he wins by a 10pt margin! Maybe that's why Obama is now switching from attacking Clinton to attacking Edwards... Check the new McClatchy/MSNBC poll out here:

Hey, but at least none of the Democratic candidates fumbled as bad as Huckabee, who seemed so lost when someone asked him about the situation. The Washington Post states, he said an appropriate U.S. response would include "very clear monitoring of our borders . . . to make sure if there's any unusual activity of Pakistanis coming into our country." The cynicism of this attempt to connect Pakistan's crisis with anti-immigrant sentiment was compounded by its astonishing senselessness" Ohhh, wouldn't it be fun to run against him in the general election?!

Did I mention I was in Iowa and working for the Edwards campaing? Oh. Well I am. And it is cold. But I will keep you updated as I get access to the internet.

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this post reflect those of the author ONLY. The Campus Democrats at UCSB do not endorse any signal candidate for the 2008 presidential election.

Friday, December 28, 2007

What does Benazir Bhutto's Assassination Mean?

I don't know. This could be one of the most significant international events since 9/11. Or it could be another assassination in a corrupt country. It could signal a changing of the guard. Or it could strengthen the status quo, who will provide security for rattled Pakistanis at this point in time. I don't know what it means, but I will be watching the news and talking to friends trying to find out.

The case of Pakistan is extremely interesting. They are our allies. They have a president (Musharaff) who, much like our president, has taken more power than many other government leaders feel comfortable with. Bhutto probably was not the solution to all of Pakistan's problems, and she definitely had a few of her own. But was Bhutto a Hero for Democracy? Unfortunately, now we'll never know.

Newsweek interview with Musharaff and Bhutto

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Newsweek's Sharon Begley gets It, why don't the people running our country

When I read "Learning to Love Climate 'Adaptation'" it scared me ... I think that was the point. It outlined some of the changes we will need to make in order to start adapting to our warming planet. It briefly talked about the refugees who will be victimized by global warming and the billions of dollars we will need to spend in adjusting.

Sharon Begley wrote the article under the assumption that Americans and the rest of the world will not make the necessary changes to curb the effects of global warming. Her assumption is one that scares me, mostly because it seems like she is right.

Fixing what we've messed up is going to take sacrifice. Most people seem too attached to their creature comforts to support the kind of changes that real solutions will require. Our political leaders are too weak-willed to put the environment first. None of the candidates--not Clinton, not Obama, and not Edwards, and certainly none of the Republicans--have made global warming the central issue that it deserves to be. They use it as a buzz word to gather support or to point out the differences between the Democrats and the Republicans. This past week, the Senate proved again that our leaders in that house of Congress have other priorities as well. Ultimately if there isn't a bigger difference between us and the Republicans soon, it will be too late.

We are reaching the point of no return, some scientists say we have already passed it, and it's not okay. We are messing with something that is bigger than us, we are talking about our planet. I really hope Sharon Begley is wrong.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Nooooo: Energy bill fails in Senate, Reid to remove tax provisions

Shout out to

As if we didn't see it coming. GOP Senators and President Bush have been threatening to kill the energy bill even before it passed through the House last week, and this morning the Senate failed to invoke cloture on the bill by a vote of 59-40. As usual, Congress isn't trying hard enough. NY Times

Senator Reid said that he would remove the controversial tax provisions shutting off tax loopholes to oil companies. I already called Reid, Boxer and Feinstein to urge them to not let this happen, but I think it is too late.

If we can't even pass an energy bill, how are we ever going to pass specific global warming legislation, like the Lieberman-Warner Climate Security Act? link

I think this quote from Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL) pretty much sums it up: "The future just failed by one vote. ... The oil companies now are celebrating in their boardrooms. ... They continue to have a deathgrip on this Senate."

So, so sad.

Ohh, and with things heating up at the UN Conference on Climate Change in Bali, the passage of this energy bill is sure to piss off the world even more. Already, the EU has "threatened to boycott U.S.-led climate talks next month unless Washington agrees to specific targets for reducing greenhouse gases."

During a speech at the conference, Gore stated, “My own country, the United States, is principally responsible for obstructing progress here in Bali.” You go, Gore. link

Monday, December 10, 2007

The Energy Bill Gains Some Ground...Kind Of

Last week, the House of Representatives passed the most progressive energy bill to-date. It included increased CAFE standards to 35-mpg, a renewable energy standard calling for 15% of the nation's electricity to come from renewable sources by the year 2020, and $13 billion in cuts from subsidies for oil companies (boohoo oil companies). With the narrow , practically non-existent, Democratic majority in the Senate, it seems unlikely that such a forward-thinking bill will pass. Furthermore, President Bush has all but promised to veto this bill....I can't wait until he is out of office.
It seems that Pelosi is the only one in Washington who can get anything done...come on Harry! What happened to the good 'ol "Give 'em Hell Harry" I knew and loved? I know it's not his fault, but I wish that the Senate would do something and I wish when they'd do it, Bush wouldn't veto it. 'Tis a sad state of affairs.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Campus Progress picks up on UCSB's ENDA Rally!

Campus Progress shows us some love on their blog for our ENDA rally!

It probably helps that the author, Tanya Paperny, is a Gaucho alumna. But it's also probably because Campus Dems and QSU are just plain awesome. And we do cool things. And get shit done. Yaayyy us!

Check out the blog, and the rest of Campus Progress' website:

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Action Alert! Urge Congress to pass comprehensive Energy Bill!

Quick! There's an Energy bill being pushed through Congress right now and it's in danger (of not being comprehensive enough to effectively tackle climate change)!

Call your Rep and Senator today and remind them to include increased CAFE standards, a national RES of 15% and increased PTC! Call the Capitol switchboard and ask for your rep/senator: 202-224-3121

While late Friday night we found out that policymakers had agreed to include increased CAFE standard of 35mpg in the overall bill (take that, Chairman Dingell!!), several other key components, like a Renewable Energy Standard and Production Tax Credits for solar/wind energy, are currently threatened.

Increased CAFE Standards- 35mpg!

Rep. Dingell, the ancient Chairman of the House Energy and Commerce committee has vehemently opposed any such increase in CAFE standards in defense of the automakers and Detroit. But our woman, Speaker Pelosi, showed Dingell who's boss. Check out the NYTimes article here:

A study by the Union of Concerned Scientists estimates that requiring automakers to meet a fleetwide average of 35mpg by 2018 will create 241,000 additional jobs nationwide by 2020, and increase jobs in the automotive sector alone by 23,900. Additionally, such a requirement would also save consumers $37 billion in 2020 alone and cut national oil use by 1.6 million barrels per day by 2020. And Detroit said they would be ruined....liars! The measly increase to 35mpg will reduce our emissions and help make American automakers more competitive in the global market- something the US desperately needs right about now.

But we still need....Renewable Electricity Standard 15%

A RES would require all utility companies to generate 15% of their electricity with renewable energy. While a provision for a 15% RES was included in the House Energy bill, it was not included in the Senate version. Call your Representative and Senator and urge them to make sure that 15% RES will be included in the final bill!

And also..Production Tax Credits!
Ever wonder why wind energy and other renewable energy sources haven't caught on yet? One of the primary reasons is the un-stable Production Tax Credits (PTC) for wind energy and other renewable energy, and Investment Tax Credit (ITC) for solar energy. Oil and coal are still heavily subsidized. Renewable energy is not nearly as subsidized as oil and coal, and therefore has not been able to develop yet. Nearly every year, the wind energy industry fought to renew and extend the PTC. The uncertainty of the PTC significantly slowed development and created a boom-and-bust cycle within the industry. Congress must pass an Energy bill with extended PTC and ITC in order for renewable energy to truly develop.

Call Congress today and urge your Representative and Senator to include increased CAFE standards, a 15% RES and increased PTC/ITC in the Energy bill!

Capitol Switchboard: 202-224-3121

Things are looking good for the Energy bill right now, but keep calling until the final Energy bill is passed!