Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Strike in Paris

Yo! It's your Publicity Chair checking in from Paris! I'm kind of upset because this thursday, 18 october, I have to walk to school. And it will probably take an hour. and I hate waking up early! gah. But it's cool because I get to experience one of Paris's famous strikes! RAPT (the paris metro/bus workers) and SNCF (the train), along with gas and electricity workers, are going on strike because Sarkozy, the new president, is trying to take away from their rights! They are striking for their right to strike (apparently they now have to notify their employer 48 hours in advanced if they plan on taking part in a strike), and for their "special regimes," which include being able to retire at 55! None of the busses/metros or trains will be running.
But I guess waking up early is worth it. Vive la socialisme!!

http://www.workersliberty.org/node/9332 (it's a petite article, I promise)

1 comment:

Entertained Organizer said...

I'm personally voting for you blowing off school and just joining the strikers. I'm sure the French know how to party