Monday, January 7, 2008

Young Voters are on the move!

Young people came out in record numbers during the Iowa caucus last week! Check out these numbers:

-56,000 folks under the age of 30 showed up to caucus last Thursday night, even when students were in the middle of their winter break

-According to CNN Entrance polls, 22% of Democratic caucus-goers were between the ages of 17 and 29

-The number of young caucus-goers equaled the number of voters over 65, according to CNN

I worked at a caucus last Thursday night registering caucus goers and unregistered Iowans (Iowa recently adopted a day-of voter registration policy), so I personally witnessed how many young people showed up to caucus that night, and I was SO PROUD.

Woo-hoo! Now let's make sure to register tons of voters in Santa Barbara, and turn them out for our upcoming elections. Let our voices be heard!


Anonymous said...

Voters under 30 are less knowledgeable than voters over 30. It's fairly obvious why that would be. Every politician knows they are. The reason Democrats get so pumped up about these under 30 voters is because they mostly vote Democrat. Any time you see a campaign that says it wants "young people" to vote, such as MTV, it's essentially Democrat partisans behind it. It's not really about young people, it's about helping Democrat candidates. If young people always voted 50% Republican and 50% Democrat you'd never see a campaign or slogan aimed at them.

But, chances are many of them will switch to Republican by age 40, and even more after that.

Anonymous said...

And one more thing.

If you genuinely are proud of young people voting, and there is no other agenda behind these remarks, then you should be proud that I recently updated my voter registration for my new address.

It is going to be a tough choice. One guy I like, Fred Thompson, will probably have dropped out by then. Though I like Romney, I may end up going for McCain because I think he has the best chance in the general election. I'll have to see who is in what position by then, but I would support McCain over Huckabee or Giuliani. Especially if Romney is fading from the picture by then, as I suspect he might.

I know you are proud of me Chrissy. Thanks so much.

Amanda said...

Young people are voting because we are worried about the direction that our country is heading. We are worried about our friends who are being sent over to Iraq. We are worried that we will be paying for the decisions that this administration has made for the rest of our lives: paying off the war in Iraq, and paying off our student loans until we are 50, and paying for the irreparable damage we are doing to our environment.

Young voters do tend to be ideologically to the left, but that doesn't always translate to voting Democrat. Look at the huge support for Republican Presidential candidate Ron Paul among college students and especially on our campus.

Anonymous said...

What you seem to be doing "amanda" is projecting your own political views onto millions of voters who probably believe millions of different things.

You are correct that not all voters under 30 vote Democrat, and I did not say they do. I said "they mostly vote Democrat" which is true.

Your remark about Ron Paul is irrelevant, for reasons covered in this blog post I've set up:

This handy guide to the Ron Paul candidacy should provide you with a contrasting perspective.