Friday, April 4, 2008

SIMCONG's To Do List

I am in Professor Smith's Congress simulation class this quarter along with a ton of other Campus Democrats. Given that the Democrats will probably head most if not all of the committees and run Congress, I have compiled a list of things that I would like to see done this quarter. Some of these probably wouldn't happen in the real Congress, but in the alternate reality that is Smith's class, this is what I would like to see done, they are not really in order. Please feel free to add (or subtract if you disagree).

To Do:
  1. Give D.C. a vote
  2. Give statehood to all U.S. territories (Puerto Rico, Guam, etc.)
  3. Bring the Troops home
  4. Change priorities in the War on Drugs from enforcement to prevention and rehabilitation
  5. Pass Comprehensive Global Warming legislation (i.e. Renewable Electricity Standard)
  6. Amend the Civil Rights Act to include protections for sexual orientation and gender identity
  7. Pull funding from No Child Left Behind. Increase funding to early childhood education, after school programs, and Music and the Arts
  8. Create a single-payer healthcare plan
  9. Repeal the $22 million subsidies to oil and coal companies
  10. Send aid to the Sudan and Rwanda
  11. Get rid of abstinence-only sex education; incentivise comprehensive sex-education.
  12. Lower the voting age in federal elections to 16
  13. Impeach Bush and Cheney
  14. Welfare Reform along the lines of what Professor Crouch said
  15. Repeal Don't Ask, Don't Tell
  16. Instate publicly-funded elections (or another form of campaign finance reform, this happens to be my favorite)
  17. Automatic voter registration
  18. Fight "Real ID" (thank you Patrick)
  19. Repeal the Patriot Act
  20. Mandate Net Neutrality
  21. Adjust Minimum Wage automatically to inflation
  22. Bring back "Fairness Doctrine" in the media
  23. Close Guantanamo Bay
  24. Close "Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation", formerly the School of the Americas
  25. Address sub-prime mortgage crisis

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Establish High Speed Rail (Between SD, LA, SF, and Sac; Between NY and NJ; Between DC, NY, PA, BA, MD, VA)