Sunday, November 23, 2008

Green-Collar Jobs: How to Beat the Recession & Save the Planet

How can we solve the climate crisis, beat the recession, and create 5 million new jobs in the process? By meshing the environmental and economic discussions together to create a clean energy economy!

It's simple: we begin to develop our alternative energy sources (solar energy, wind energy, etc), weatherize and retrofit our buildings and homes to be more energy efficient and the demand for green-collar jobs will skyrocket. Solar panels and wind turbines can, and should be, manufactured in the US. They will need to be installed and maintained. We need more workers who can retrofit our buildings and homes to be as energy efficient as possible.

Really, green collar jobs just make sense. I'd encourage you to do a little research on this issue, as I'm sure (fingers crossed) it's going to play a big role in the climate talks as we move towards finalizing a solution for this country.

Check out this video excerpt from Van Jones speaking about the importance of creating a green job economy at a Center for American Progress event. With President-elect Obama, hopefully we will now be able to move towards solving the climate crisis, and rejuvenating our economy along the way.

I love Van Jones (hence the picture). He just released a new book, "The Green-Collar Economy: How One Solution Can Fix Our Two Biggest Problems" that I'm really looking forward to reading over Christmas break. Check it ouuttt.


Amanda said...

show off

Chrissy said...

Haha. Jealous?

Anonymous said...

doooood, i just started reading this book! this post made me ridiculously excited about it.

Anonymous said...

Hi Chrissy,

I loved reading your post about Van Jones--and this is coming a few days late, but I wanted to let you know that you and any other visitors to your site can read an excerpt of the book for free by clicking on the website by my name, or copy/pasting this URL into your browser:


Laura Ortberg
Assistant Publicist, HarperOne