Monday, January 12, 2009

Be the POWER behind the SHIFT

President-elect Obama is set to take office next Tuesday which means that all the greenhouse gas emissions in the atmosphere will turn into gold coins and rescue us from the economic recession as soon as he takes the Oath of Office, right? Wrong.

Unless Barack Obama has magical powers that rival Harry Potter, our problems are far from over. Electing Barack Obama as our next President is a step in the right direction to solving the climate crisis, but it only means that we must work even harder and demand bold, comprehensive and immediate federal climate action.

How can you demand bold, comprehensive and immediate federal climate action? Well you could try dancing around in a polar bear suit and see how far that gets you, but I have a much more effective option: PowerShift 2009!

From February 27th to March 2nd, 2009 thousands of young adults will converge on Washington, D.C. for Power Shift 2009, the second national youth summit to solve the climate crisis. At Power Shift 2009, young people from across the country will take a message of bold, comprehensive and immediate federal climate action to Washington, D.C. We will leverage the momentum that has been built through the Campus Climate Challenge, Power Shift 2007 and Power Vote to pressure our politicians to take bold, comprehensive action.

Our window of opportunity is short; the first 100 days of the new administration is critical in achieving real and significant changes immediately. We must use the time we have to redefine what is politically feasible to achieve what is scientifically and economically necessary to safeguard our future. At Power Shift 2009, we will also strengthen the movement for real climate and economic solutions by learning skills and solutions, building bonds, and setting clear plans for action in our communities for 2009 and beyond.

I'm headed to DC February 27 for PowerShift '09 and I can't wait. Maybe I'll dance around in a polar bear suit, maybe not. Either way, this is our chance. Come with me to DC to be a part of the Power Shift!

"Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek."
- President-elect Barack Obama

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