Friday, May 30, 2008

Campus Progress National Student Conference!

What are you doing on Tuesday, July 8th this summer?

Wait, wait, don't answer that question. Because by the time you finish reading this post, I know exactly what you will be doing:

You'll be in Washington, DC with 1,000 other progressive students for the fourth annual Campus Progress National Student Conference!

And who is the keynote speaker? None other than Sen. John Edwards himself. Sigh.

Other speakers include Ryan Gosling (mmmm...), hip-hop artist M-1, US House Rep Linda Sanchez, spoken word poet Paul Flores (he's amazing), Ted Leo....the list goes on. Speakers at past conferences have included President Bill Clinton, Senator Barack Obama, Senator Russ Feingold, Speaker Pelosi, etc, etc.

Besides the incredible speakers, the day is jam packed of trainings, panel discussions on all sorts of issues ranging from global warming to affirmative action to immigration to healthcare to practically every single progressive issue there is.

This is an amazing opportunity to network and mingle with 1,000 super cool progressive students from all over the country.

How are you going to get out to DC, you may ask? CP has a limited number of travel scholarships available, but you must apply now!

See you in DC!

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