Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Unmasking McCain

Listen up Democrats! I know this campaign season has seen gotten ugly and you all have your chosen candidate. But please, Dems, I beg of you, do NOT vote for John McCain if your candidate loses.

This election is about more than the candidates: it is about issues and our future. At the end of the day, Clinton and Obama have much more in common than either of them do with John McCain. The article that I have attached focuses specifically choice issues--McCain believes Roe must be overturned and has voted against choice in 125 of his 130 votes in his career in the Senate.

But the differences between John McCain and the Democratic candidates don't end there. Don't let McCain's maverick reputation fool you: he is for extended occupation of Iraq, against a woman's right to choose, has a zero rating from the League of Conservation Voters, and reduce regulation on health insurance providers.

...Moral of the story? Even if your candidate does not win the nomination, do not abandon the issues that are important to you.


Anonymous said...

I just want to point out that Obama is also for extended occupation of Iraq. Obama splits the troops into "combat" troops and "security" troops. He has a withdrawal plan only for the "combat" troops, but has none for "security" troops. The large number of "security" troops have as much potential to be involved in violence as do the soldiers already there. Obama favors keeping the permanent military bases and embassy, and all the economic and security footprint in Iraq. McCain hasn't committed to any troop levels, and this is fine because neither he nor Obama really knows what the troops levels will be. But he wouldn't run for re-election in 2012 with the same number of troops in Iraq. He will withdraw at least some. On Iraq, Obama is not the opposite of McCain, he's either McCain Lite or equivalent to McCain, depending on how stuff gets implemented. A lot of Obama fans think Obama favors withdrawal, but it's not true. Obama has a misleading way of campaigning that makes his fans think he more different from McCain than he really is on Iraq.

Bob Barr recently announced that he thinks the US should publicly declare it won't maintain any permanent military bases in Iraq, and then do a complete withdrawal as quickly as possible. Of the three major candidates, Barr McCain Obama, Barr is the only who isn't against an exit of the US from Iraq.



Another thing I'll mention is that McCain is not a real threat to abortion rights. Without an overturn of roe vs. wade, it matters little whether the president or any politician is pro-life. It's very unlikely roe vs. wade will be overturned under McCain, but if it were, the rights would go to the states. Probably fewer than 15 states would ban abortion if that happened, and traveling across borders is easy. There will be tons of abortion in the US no matter who wins, don't you worry.

Anonymous said...

Another thing to note is that Barr is the only one of the three major candidates, Barr McCain Obama, who is against the Patriot Act and wiretapping and in favor of restoring privacy rights and civil liberties. Here is Barr's position on the Patriot Act.


Barr has been working on this one issue with the ACLU, and done extensive work on privacy rights, wiretapping and patriot act, over the past 5 years since he left congress. He is the only one of the three major candidates who is at all serious about the right to privacy from the big government.

Bob Barr is an experienced lawyer, and a former US attorney who also worked for the CIA for eight years, was in congress for 8 years. None of those 8 years were spent running for President. Almost all of Obama's 4 years have been spent running for congress, and once you do that it's your whole life.

Barr was the guy who explained to my why it is legally easy for wiretapping & patriot act to be used against people unrelated to the risk of violence. He also presented, on his radio show, documented proof that wiretapping & patriot act have already been used against people unrelated to the risk of violence.

He has also documented extensively what the administration told congress about how the patriot act would be implemented, and how those promises were not kept. Barr did vote for the patriot act, but he now regrets it partly because it was not implemented how he was told it would be.

There are few if any people on the planet with more knowledge about and commitment to the privacy rights after 9/11 issue than Bob Barr. Obama and McCain are highly inadequate on this issue.

Anonymous said...

typo. Obama is in his fourth year in congress, and almost all of that time has been spent running for PRESIDENT.