Thursday, November 8, 2007

Bringing the Climate Crisis Full Circle: The Importance of Green Collar Jobs

How can you effectively mitigate greenhouse gas emissions, jump start the American economy, and significantly decrease poverty and unemployment in the United States?

Green Collar jobs.

What are green collar jobs? Green Collar jobs are "blue-collar work force opportunities created by firms and organizations whose mission is to improve environmental quality." Examples of green collar jobs include installing solar panels, construction of green buildings, public transit jobs related to driving, maintenance, and repair etc. Unlike just "green jobs" like wind power or solar power engineers, which are high skilled jobs that require tons of education, green collar jobs simply put a green spin on "blue collar" jobs.

By reducing our consumption of fossil fuels , and investing in renewable energy/energy efficiency in the U.S., it is estimated that thousands, if not millions, of new jobs will be created.

(Click on the link to go to a fact sheet for more specific info/facts, a result of my research/summer internship at the Environmental & Energy Study Institute. It was passed out at a congressional briefing today on green jobs, yee!)

Think about it. We spend over $300 billion/year on importing foreign oil. The Apollo Alliance calls for a $300 billion investment in clean energy over a 10 year period, which will create 3 million new jobs!

And not just any new jobs, but new jobs for the poor. With the help of Van Jones and orgs like "Green for All," this will be one environmental movement that will not skate over the poor. The debate on eco-apartheid and the environmental movement as a "luxury" is something that I'd really like to get into, but not in this post.

So investing in renewable energy and energy efficiency will not only benefit the environment, but our economy as well!

Talk about turning the old, "economy vs. environment" adage on its head. Take that, Republicans! Now you have to fight global warming, whether you like it or not. Our economy depends on it.

Check out:


Anonymous said...

We actually can all start reducing global warming today. By visiting and replacing at least one regular lightbulb with a CFL (compact fluorescent lightbulb), you will reduce your energy consumption enough to prevent the burning of nearly 500 pounds of coal over the lifetime of your CFL!

That reduction translates to 1,300 pounds LESS carbon dioxide and 20 pounds LESS sulfur dioxide released into our atmosphere. And that’s just one lightbulb. More details are at

Chrissy said...

Righto, Elizabeth. I've actually saved a ton of money on my energy bill (or car insurance? damn Geico)by switching to CFLs.

But, for those who cannot afford CFLs, taking such a step combat global warming is impossible. That's why it's important to realize that the environmental movement is a luxury, only for those who can afford it.

For those who cannot afford CFLs, check with local environmental groups in your area, and approach your local utility company.

Lucky for us Gauchos, groups like EAB will be having several light bulb exchanges throughout the year, which means you save money on your energy bill and have more money for BEER! Excellent.