Thursday, November 8, 2007

Toys from China Contaminated by Date Rape Drug

I couldn't actually make this up if I tried. "Aqua Dots" from China are coated in a substance that becomes GHB when ingested by children causing them to "vomit and become comatose after swallowing." The product is a bunch of small colorful candy sized beads aimed at the 4 Years Old + market which has never been known to swallow things that look like candy.

I wish I had it in me to make jokes about this, but I can't. If anyone ever tries to tell you that we need less government regulation, this is why they're an idiot. No one is policing Chinese manufactures and so they do what every business tries to do, maximumize profits. Even if it means making toys coated in lead paint or in this case DATE RAPE DRUGS. Two children were put into comas after ingesting the toy before the US Consumer Product Safety Commission issued a recall, and its almost certain thousands more would have needed to be hospitalized without government intervention, The toy was one of Walmart's Top 12 Picks and Christmas is just around the corner.

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