Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Feinstein, Senate Committee Approves Mukasey Nomination

I had to post this article on the blog simply because of the picture:

Diane Feinstein is seen smiling/chatting with Charles Schumer, the two Democratic Senators who broke away from the Democratic Party and approved Michael B. Mukasey as attorney general despite opposition from most of the committee’s Democrats over Mr. Mukasey’s refusal to label a harsh interrogation technique used on terrorist suspects as torture."

Russ Feingold, (D-WI) is sitting in the middle and he looks PISSED. (BTW, Feingold is one of the, if not THE, most progressive Senators in Congress. I had the opportunity to introduce him at the Campus Progress National Student Conference last June, and he was amazing. And very nice.)

I tracked down Feingold's statement about his opposition to Judge Mukasey:

"At this point in our history, however, the country needs more. Simply put, after all that has taken place over the last seven years, we need an Attorney General who will tell the President that he cannot ignore the laws passed by Congress. And on that fundamental qualification for this office, Judge Mukasey falls short."

Fight on, Feingold.

BTW- Let your Senator know that you disprove of her decision to approve Judge Mukasey! Call her office at (202) 224-3841 and give those interns a piece of your mind.

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