Friday, November 2, 2007

Oct. 30th Debate- Who watched?

You might or might not know that there was a Democratic Presidential debate at Drexel University in Philly last Tuesday. Who watched it? What did you think?

For those of you who didn't get to see it, you can watch it online at Just click on the title of this blog to take you to the msnbc site, scroll down the page and find "Watch the Debates." Annnd, presto! Debate.

I watched most of it online, and wasn't very impressed. Unfortunately, I missed the part where Kucinich admitted to have seen a UFO at Shirley MacLain's house, and when asked if he believed in life on other planets, Obama replied- "I believe there is life here on earth." Wow, really? And I thought we were all robots....

Clinton was on attack throughout most of the debate. There was a lot of talk about Iran, and the new sanctions. She tripped over herself on immigration, social security, etc. Richardson came to her defense towards the end. I knew I always liked that guy... not that I'm defending Clinton, I don't support her- but c'mon. I'm kind of over this whole dems fighting dems thing. Aren't we supposed to be bashing the Republicans?

My favorite topic, global warming, was not discussed. Maybe that's why I'm not so enthused about the debate? Oh well, it's only the livelihood of our planet at stake (and those poor, cute polar bears! Start feeling guilty I really, really want there to be a debate entirely dedicated to global warming. Will that happen? Maybe. But only if Americans realize how important that issue really is.

David Brooks wrote a pretty entertaining synopsis of the debate in the NYTimes today:

And John Edwards campaign just came out with a clip highlighting all of Clinton's "double talk" from the debate:


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